What is difference between pitbull gay man or lesbian Lately economy sucks!Constantly absurd things have been happening.Economy has been so bad even mexicans stopped moving to usa.Gee!Immigration problem is solved!Stock market is like taking drugs!One day it gets high!The other day it gets in withdrawn.Since economy is in a shithole, it made z think!What would it happen, if gay folks were majority once in a while instead of minority.Imagine that!Would economy be in this trout deep mess?No!We would do things much better.Well!Z says make it gay!If gay folks would take over senate house, freddie fannie would have never flushed down to toilet.No way!You know those lesbians how thrifty they are.They would have never given away bad loans.Frankly for gay man it would depend on how cute borrower was. 2)Freddie fannie!How old fashion these names are!We would change their names to elton ellen.There is no doubt! 3)Imagine!Newspaper headlines!Is the difference between a pitbull a gay man?Moistu
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